Sunday, April 13, 2014

My Transformation Story: A Second Chance

Okay, so you may think I'm a little obsessive over this Beachbody stuff. My heart is racing at the thought of posting this, but here it goes. Let me be totally personal with you. It is VERY hard to put these pictures up where all of you can get a glimpse into a deep and depressing time in my life. I battled with my weight for YEARS. I never was truly happy because I always had this hate for myself because I felt that my looks determined my worth. Unfortunately, so many people do. I want to share this because there are people that I KNOW are feeling the same pain and shame that I felt at 200 pounds! I want to HELP you. I truly do. If I ever win the lottery, I will buy these amazing programs and lead Challenge Groups until I die doing so, just so people can see what their quality of life can be like. I truly believe in Beachbody. The company is amazing, the programs are incredible, and the supplements are superior. Most importantly, the coaches all support each other and believe that in working together, we can make a bigger difference.

As I was looking through my old camera card this morning trying to find pictures of my larger self, I found NONE with my babies. NONE.There are over 1,500 pictures on this card, and I'm nowhere except in "before" pictures. I had even deleted a picture of my oldest daughter and I from her Honor Stars ceremony. I bawled like a baby. I hated my image so much, that I've deleted nearly every picture of me and my children from when they were younger. It's so sad to think of how much pain I was in. Nobody knew. I kept it all in and put up a fake smile for so long that it became a habit. A VERY painful habit. I probably sabotaged many relationships (romantic AND otherwise) because I didn't feel that I deserved them. My husbands orders to Iraq started a journey for ME that I never could have imagined would put me where I am today. Through the 779th Engineer Battalion, I met some wonderful ladies. Including my BB coach, Kate. She inspired me through her workout and transformations posts while her husband served in Iraq. In January of 2012, I started my journey. Along with Beachbody and my wonderful church family, I started to learn that God loved me no matter what and I was WORTHY of a change.

A little over two years later, (and some major back and knee pain that slowed me down quite a bit at time) and I have gone from a super tight size 18, to a very comfortable size 6. I was 199 pounds when I started and I was 142 this morning when I got on the scale. Could I have done even better? You bet. Do I want to weight less? Yep! Can I get more fit? Absolutely! And I will!!!! I am a work in progress, but I now love the person I have become. If I stay this size, I'm cool with that too because I have true happiness and acceptance of who I am...INSIDE. Through some major convincing, I have learned that God truly does love me no matter what and that I have a gift from Him to share with YOU. I am on top of the world. I have a wonderful day job that I LOVE and I am also blessed enough to enjoy a second passion that brings in even more income! Helping people far outweighs any financial benefit though, SERIOUSLY. This business is truly about making a difference. I want you to share in this amazing journey with me. I KNOW for a fact that many of you see my posts and want in on this. NOW is the time. Don't waste another day hating your image. Let me help you get out of that funk. Not for anyone else, but for yourself! You are worth it! Message me TODAY my friends. A YEAR FROM NOW, YOU'LL WISH YOU STARTED TODAY! -Karen Lamb

If you want to contact me to find out how I can help you start your own journey, just click HERE and you can click "contact me" on the left. 

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