Sunday, November 9, 2014

Homemade Laundry Soap

How much money do you spend on laundry soap every month? I used to go to BJ's warehouse and buy a huge container of liquid Tide every month. I would also buy a large container of liquid Downy, two gallons of Clorox, 1 gallon of Clorox 2, and a box of dryer sheets. A little overboard? I couldn't ever get the desired amount of clean, smalle of freshness, brightness, and static-free results unless I used ALL of these products. I figured that WITH COUPONS, I was spending OVER $520 on laundry cleaners each year. In addition, the amount of chemicals I was washing down the drain, and into our clothing was concerning to me. I was raised with Tide and Downy and they were as much a comfort for me as I felt they were a quality product. Don't get my wrong, I still think if I had to buy laundry soap, that's the way I would go, but I don't have to!

My sister had been making her families' laundry soap for probably 2 years before I finally decided to give it a shot. I just didn't think the laundry would be clean with two tablespoons of some homemade powder concoction! I mean seriously, how could this be?

I'm not sure what changed inside of me, but I decided to give it a shot. I took twenty bucks and went to the store. I had my sisters recipe in my hand, and I had NO idea what Fels Naptha or Zote (or what the heck to even look for...a box, a tube, a canister???), washing soda (HUH?), or even Borax (isn't that stuff super poisonous?) was. I bought up the ingredients after asking the people at the store to help me. I was a little shocked to come home with some pretty neat looking, great smelling stuff. I borrowed my sisters cheese grater that she had bought specifically for making laundry soap, and shredded the Fels Naptha. I was in heaven. I loved the way it smelled, and I was also fascinated by the look of delicious shredded cheddar...I know, so weird, right? I added all the goodies together, mixed with my bare hands and stood and stared at the outcome. I had this 5-gallon bucket half full of powdered goodness with little yellow shreds of cheddar cheese..haha. I started looking for a container to dump it in that I could leave next to the washer. I found one that I thought would fit it all. I used a large Tupperware storage container and it barely fit a quarter of the detergent. I gathered up a couple more and STILL needed something to put it in. Finally, I used the large, empty Oxy Clean containers I had leftover from making the detergent. I felt silly with all these containers on the shelves above the washing machine, but it was nice to think I wouldn't have to spend so much money on detergent next month. That first batch lasted me an entire year! I only used 1 tbsp. for MOST loads even though at first, it drove me insane to think that little bit of stuff could get my clothes clean.

The results were in! My clothes looked and smelled fantastic. I haven't bought stain remover or detergent of any kind in nearly 3 years. I have made three batches, and have discovered perfected the recipe for MY families' use. There are MANY variations out there, but this is the one we like the best. I always post pictures of us making the detergent on Facebook when it's time for a new batch. My friends and family are always asking for my recipe, so I decided to share it this way, and I hope MANY folks can enjoy this as well. Not only will you save loads of cash with this, but you will also reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating all those plastic containers each month. Let me know how you like it!

Homemade Laundry Soap
  • 2 bars if fels naphtha
  • 3lb box of Oxy clean
  •  4lb box of baking soda
  •  3lb box of washing soda
  • 4lb box of borax
It smells so lovely to make this inside your house, but the powder can potentially fly everywhere, so I make mine in the driveway. Shred the two bars of Fels with a cheese grater or food processor. Dump all other ingredients into a 5 gallon bucket, or large bin, lined with a kitchen trash bag. Add the shredded fels and mix everything as well as you can. Store detergent in a container (or several) of your choice. Use 1-2 tablespoons per load of laundry. For most loads, I now use 2 tbsp.

Confession Time! I do use one dryer sheet for each load of laundry I do. I buy a LARGE box of Publix brand sheets about once per year. I just can't handle the static otherwise.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


I have a little problem and I hope I don't offend any of my wonderful friends here, but this need to get out! People who have been watching me for some time now, KNOW what a difference I have made in my life. Because of the changes I have made on the inside AND the outside, I have attracted a certain following. People trust the process because of my transparency. These people see that I am a human being who has flaws, successes, failures, etc. They also see that I have gone from a size 18 to a size 6 and I have kept if off and continue to work towards improved fitness every day. They know that I have not used magic diets, pills or potions. I have worked my ass (opps...sorry) off and made HUGE lifestyle changes. I have been on this journey for THREE years, not three months and I'm am going BIG.
So, here's my issue. I STILL have people messaging me, calling me, publicly saying to me "Tell me what you have done. I can't believe how great you look and I'm really interested in taking a similar path". "I'm READY to make the same changes"."Give me a plan". When I sit down with them and discuss my changes, the Beachbody programs that have made me who I am today, the Shakeoloigy that I have for breakfast every single day, etc. etc. etc., I get so many objections. I'm here to make a difference, love on people, coach them to success, and I'm TOTALLY down with that. BUT, I get so frustrated and saddened when I hear "I'm ready to make the change", but change is not something they are willing to do. There's excuse after excuse. "I'm just too busy", "I can't afford healthy food", I can't afford a workout program", "I'm too tired", "I HAVE to have my soda, coffee, beer, etc".

Because I am so passionate about helping people find their ultimate health, this shakes me to my core. I don't care if you want to go to the gym, run outside, bike, or use Beachbody programs! A change is necessary. Sacrifices (sometimes HUGE ones) are necessary. Giving things up, creating NEW habits, loving yourself are all necessary. I'm looking for people who are TRULY READY to make that CHANGE!

I have three options for you:
1. A FREE 5-Day Clean Eating program
2. A P90 Accountability Group
3. A 21 Day Fix Accountability Group.
The clean eating group is free, but requires you to commit to eating clean, healthy food for 5 buying food will be your only expense.
The other two require a program purchase, and for you to fully commit to a change! I will provide menus, fitness and nutrition information, a schedule to follow, motivation, one on one support, AND a money back guarantee.
Beachbody is successful because they have created REAL, DOABLE programs for people like you and me. Are you tired of JUST WANTING to make that change? Are you ready to take it to the top with me by your side to give you the little shoves necessary? Send me a friend request on Facebook (Jennifer Gilmore McCormick) if we aren't already connected and I'll send you a message to discuss your goals and dreams! If we are friends already, you might want to get on with sending me that message! Want to check out the programs first? Look around my website and see if something peaks your interest.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Team Beachbody: A Career or a Hobby?

Moments like this make my "job" as a Beachbody Coach SO much more incredible than it already is!

"I just told Mike that I now understand all of your excitement and posts about your lifestyle change! I am enjoying working out! Imagine that one. We talk about food more at our house now than ever. Thank you!" -Sherry

The funny thing is, Sherry isn't even one of my clients, but she knows I am rooting her on! I'm rooting ANYONE who is making positive lifestyle changes on whether they use Beachbody, me as their coach, or whatever!

The conversation continued as she told me how her youngest child is asking which snacks are healthiest, her husband is on board with the nutrition portions, and her oldest child is doing the whole program along with her. What an inspiration! She lost 8 pounds in her first week on the 21 Day Fix and is motivated to stay the course. I'm excited for you Sherry! 

These types of conversations make me realize what an impact I am having on others by simply living my own life, publicly. I run Challenge/Accountability groups through Facebook "groups" and share pictures and recipes of what I eat, what a mess I look like after my workouts, and other small tidbits about fitness and nutrition, all of which I have learned by just becoming a Beachbody Coach. 

The greatest part...I get to add to my household income WHILE I lose the weight. Huh? I mean, I'm getting paid to HELP others get healthy AND to keep myself accountable! How much better can it get? 

Did I know anything about fitness and nutrition before I started? Not a lick! I was brought up in a southern household where butter=love! I still TOTALLY love butter, but I opt for the grass-fed kind and use it in great moderation.

How did I get started? When I went to order my Challenge Pack for TurboFire, I found out that my $40 coach sign up fee would be waived just because I was already ordering the Challenge Pack. I figured, what the heck. Maybe if I sign up as a coach, it will secretly help me stay on course. I thought, I won't tell anyone I'm a coach because I'm 200 pounds and people would laugh and think I was nuts. So, I kept my coaching a secret for several months. In my first few months, I lost 40 pounds. At that point, I wanted to shout from the roof tops that I was a Team Beachbody coach, but I kept it in for a little while longer. It wasn't until I got so many compliments and messages asking me how I came about my physical change that I decided to start sharing. After SEVERAL people asking me about my weight, I decided that it wouldn't be fair if I kept holding it all in. Once I started telling people what I was doing, they jumped in and started seeing similar results. We were all walking around totally excited and I didn't even realize what I had in front of me.
I didn't even know Beachbody had Challenge Groups at that point! I surely didn't know that the Challenge groups have scripts for every single day of every different program! Really? Of course, I don't stick solely to the scripts, but I use nearly every single one of them at some point during my Challenge Groups. The scripts have helped me learn about superfoods, proper form, motivation, and so much more. They have inspired me to dig deeper and to find articles and research about certain fitness and nutrition subjects. I have learned SO much. I look back and I am simply blown away at how far I have come...body, mind, and spirit, through this incredible journey. 

I am now growing a team, and have found even more inside me. I have leadership skills! Beachbody encourages their coaches to spend 10-30 minutes per day on personal development. At first, I didn't even know where to begin, but now, I have a stack of books that I can't wait to read. I love having virtual meetings with my awesome coaches and helping them reach their goals. This business just keeps getting better!

Where else can you get healthy, happy, and have an incredible impact on others lives while making significant income for your family? I pay $15 per month for Beachbody to process and ship my customers orders, provide me with an AMAZING website, take care of all my customer service via their top-of-the-line customer relations department, give me FREE leads from their infomercials, advertise through infomercials at the rate of millions per year, provide the best training, weekly coach calls, coach promotion programs....I have to stop, or I will go on forever. Wait...I also get 25% off of all the products I order, can win free trips, and have the opportunity to hang out with celebrity trainers! But do I REALLY pay $15 per month? Nah, I get paid far more than that, so it's simply a tax deduction. Hehe.

Are you interested in seeing what this business can do for YOU? Want to get these kind of messages in your inbox because your lifestyle change inspired someone else to do the same? Want to make money at the SAME TIME as losing weight and running Challenge Groups on Facebook? Email me at or message me from my Beachbody website here. Want a little more Team Beachbody info. first? Watch this short video: Introducing Team Beachbody
and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Are you Lacking Accountability?

Have you thought at all about what makes Beachbody customers more successful at actually succeeding with their programs? How is purchasing a Beachbody program from a coach any DIFFERENT than those other DVD's sold on Amazon?

Challenge Groups! Challenge Groups are the key to your success. You buy the workout program, the Shakeology for nutrition and you also get the SUPPORT! The reason I stay on target is because of the Challenge Groups I run. The lovely folks that I am motivating don't know how much their success motivates me! Right now, I have a 21 Day Fix group with 27 challengers. I'm not the only one posting motivational messages! So many of the ladies post pictures, ideas, exciting accomplishments, and motivating captions that help each other move closer to their goals. It's so incredibly amazing! It's not just the ole coach giving shout-outs, but EVERYBODY giving each other praise and encouragement is what sets these groups apart from other group fitness situations out there.

How many times have you watched an infomercial and spent your hard-earned money on a program only to fall off the wagon 2 weeks in? Do you have a gym membership that you pay for so you'll go, but never go? Have you bought workout equipment like dumbbells, yoga mats, or even a treadmill, but just can't seem to stay motivated on your own? Maybe you are just lacking PEOPLE to keep you accountable!

I'm ready to introduce you to accountability that WORKS! I have a new Challenge Group starting on November 3rd and I want to prove to you that it can be done! Beachbody offers a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! Love your results or you get your money back. Same goes with the Shakeology...the BOTTOM of the bag guarantee allows you to drink the entire bag and return it for a full refund if you're not satisfied with results. What have you got to lose? Challenge Packs come with all yu need to succeed.


More on the P90 Challenge Pack and what comes in it? Here's a short video on the Challenge Pack Special for October:

Email me at or message me here on Facebook ONLY if you are serious about making the commitment.

Don't forget that Beachbody is donating $5 to the Wounded Warrior Project for every P90 Challenge Pack sold in October. I am doubling that amount and donating an additional $10 for every Challenge Pack I sell in October. I will also continue to donated monthly at the rate of $1 per pound lost in my P90 Challenge Group for the 90 day duration.
Here are just a few of my personal photos that show what accountability groups can do for you... 

Fitness and The Wounded Warrior Project

The Wounded Warrior Project AND fitness are both something I'm a HUGE fan of. My own husband benefited from the WWP when he was injured on his way to Iraq.

How many of you have heard of Tony Horton's P90X? I bet 85% of you are raising your hands! Haha...that's the teacher in me. Now, how many of you are new to fitness (or want to be) and P90X intimidates you? Well, guess what! Tony Horton has come out with a new program called P90. The catch phrase with this latest program is that it is the "On Switch of Fitness". What does that mean? It's an introduction to fitness for people who feel like they have never been into fitness before or those who cannot handle the extreme fitness routines that Beachbody is generally associated with. Want to know more? Check out this video. I will be running a Challenge/Accountability Group for P90 starting one month from today.

WAIT, there's MORE!

Tony Horton's dad was a veteran who was very passionate about the WWP. He recently, unexpectedly passed away. Beachbody is donating $5 from the sale of every P90 Challenge Pack during the month of October. What an amazing way to honor Tony's father! This company never ceases to amaze me! I have decided that I will add to that. For every P90 Challenge Pack that is purchased from me in the month of October, I will donated an additional $10 to the Wounded Warrior Project. In addition to that, I will continue to donate to the WWP at the rate of $1 to every pound lost in my Challenge Group for the 90-day duration. The bigger my Challenge Group is and the more successful the people within that group are, the larger my donation to WWP will be! This is so stinkin' exciting to me! Ready to join me in this great cause? Click to join my group and I will message you to get you started. You can join the Challenge Group here. Watch this video on P90 for more information: P90

Email me at for a quick questionnaire that will help me evaluate your goals.

How empty is your closet?

Do you ever stand in your closet and look at all the clothes you have, but it takes forever to get ready in the morning because nothing fits, or everything makes you look frumpy? Not all that long ago, I remember crying in the mornings before work because all of my cute stuff was too small, and the stuff I could wear (comfortably) was just not something I really wanted to be seen wearing in public, let alone as a professional who was teaching a class full of children. It may seem silly to some, but this was a real issue for me. I hated my body, how I felt it reflected on me as a person, and how tired and awful I felt EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

My closet may as well have been empty.

Fast forward a little while, and now it takes me a total of 10 minutes to get dressed and apply make-up each morning. The funny thing is, the time I used to spend crying and telling myself how much I suck in the mirror is now time I spend in the kitchen prepping my meals for the day. No joke! This is me being 100% real. I used to be embarrassed to tell people how long dinner took, or how often I was in the kitchen throughout my day because I was worried people thought I was just eating my life away. I guess it's because I really was. Now, I'm excited to say that I spend 30 minutes every morning making sure that my body gets the nourishment it so deserves to keep up with my incredibly busy lifestyle. Another super perk to this is that I am teaching my children to make healthy choices too. They don't see me hitting the Hardees drive-thru for a biscuit and coffee anymore and I LOVE that...even though I do love those stupid biscuits. Now it's like once a year I have one instead of every weekend. Haha.

Going down this path has taught me so much and I want to share with you! Are you ready to START making these changes too? These changes have taken me quite some time. It surely didn't happen overnight. I've read a ton, experimented a LOT, fallen off my horse and gotten back on a gazillion times, and I still have a ways to go. Now that I have taken myself down this road, I want to help others find what I have found. Health, confidence, happiness, freedom, and so much more.
Would you benefit from a workout program that is designed to be the "Gateway to Fitness", a healthy eating plan that is not overwhelming, and a REAL person to support you and motivate you to reach the goals you share with her?

I want to take that journey with YOU through an authentic relationship. I will work one on one with you to discuss your goals, challenges, what meals and snacks will work best with YOUR lifestyle/schedule, and encourage you every step of the way through a private accountability group with others just like you with as much or as little support that is tailored to suite YOUR needs.
Check out this video

and let me know if P90 is something that you think you could do. I'm looking for SERIOUS people ONLY, who NEED to make that lifestyle change in order to move their lives in a more positive direction. Email me at or message me through Facebook (Faithfull Fit Beachbody Coach Jen McCormick) and I'll send you a quick questionnaire so we can start to discuss your goals. 

It won't be long before you are sharing your success story!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Faithfully Fit

I'm SO excited to offer my new online Challenge Group!
Not ready to commit to a 90 day, 60 day, or even 30 day program? Give me three weeks and I'll change everything you think about eating, fitness and self control & hard work. My 21 day program will begin September 29th! Interested? Leave your email below in the comments or for a FASTER/ 100% reliable response please send me an email at *please also note that space IS limited so I can keep the group small and personal! Let's do it!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Whole week of delicious, healthy family dinners

 I spend a good hour each week planning out my families meals and grocery list. This helps us be sure to have enough food for the week and helps it be less likely that we will grab unhealthy food on the run with our crazy, busy schedules. I try to make meals simple. Sometimes I reach for Paleo options, but overall, we just try to eat as healthy as possible.
Here are some recipes from this weeks meal plan.

Monday: Spaghetti Squash Pizza Casserole
1.5 pounds of ground beef; cooked
1.5 cups organic pizza sauce
1 spaghetti squash cooked and shredded
1 tbsp. Italian seasoning
5 raw eggs, whisked
Add all ingredients to a casserole dish and bake @350 degrees for 45-50 minutes or until browned on top. My kids went nuts over this one.

Tuesday: Salmon Patties and Sauteed Kale
Salmon Patties
2 large cans of wild caught salmon
2 eggs
1/2 cup almond meal (little more if needed)
seasoning of choice (we like to use creole or something yummy from Penzey's)
oil of choice for sauteing (we use almond or walnut)
Throw all ingredients in a bowl (or mixer) and mix well. Form small patties and saute on medium heat until browned on each side.

Sauteed Kale
1 bunch of organic kale, washed and torn into bite-sized pieces
oil of choice for sauteing
seasoning of choice (we use a homemade taco seasoning A LOT, but will generally use the same thing we use in accompanying dish)
Saute kale in oil until desired tenderness is attained.

Wednesday: Foil Packet Sweet Potatoes and Grilled Chicken with Steamed Broccoli

Foil Packet Sweet Potatoes
4-5 organic sweet potatoes (or 1/2-1 whole SP per family member)
walnut or almond oil
seasoning of choice (we like seasoned salt with NO silicon your labels, or just salt and pepper)
tin foil
Scrub sweet potatoes and chop into bit-sized pieces with skin left on for added fiber
drizzle with oil and sprinkle with seasoning. Stir until potatoes are coated. Place sweet potatoes on tin foil and fold into packets. Place on grill and cook until tender.
Grilled Chicken
 4-5 organic chicken breasts (or 1/2-1 chicken breast per family member...or more if you plan on using leftovers for a second meal like the salad for tomorrow nights menu)
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
garlic powder to taste
Place chicken in a gallon-sized ziplock bag. Add remaining ingredients and let marinade for about an hour. Place on hot grill and cook until no longer pink. 
Steamed Broccoli
1 head organic broccoli
1/2 cup water
Cut broccoli into bite sized pieces. Add broccoli and water to medium saucepan and cover. Bring to boil and reduce heat to simmering point. Steam until desired tenderness is reached. 

Thursday: Greek Salad with Leftover Grilled Chicken
1 bunch of romaine lettuce; washed and cut into bite sized pieces
3-4 leftover grilled chicken; cut into bite size chunks
2/3 c. feta cheese crumbles
1 can organic black (pitted) olives
1 organic cucumber;  sliced
1-2 organic tomatoes; chopped or one container of grape tomatoes
Greek dressing recipe found here.
Toss all ingredients in bowl and drizzle with desired amount of dressing. Serve with a chunk of whole grain bread or homemade croutons.

Friday: Black Bean Quesadillas and Side Salad
2 whole wheat tortillas per family member (soft taco sized)
2 cans organic black beans (more if family is greater than 5)
1/2 pound grass-fed cheddar or mozzarella
1 tbsp homemade taco seasoning (I use this one without the red pepper flakes)
grass-fed butter or ghee for cooking
Drain beans and mash in a bowl until spreadable. Add taco seasoning to beans and mix well. Spread bean mixture onto one tortilla, sprinkle with cheese and place another tortilla on top. Melt 1 tsp butter/ghee in the pan on medium heat. Place quesadilla in pan and cook until lightly browned and crispy on both sides, adding butter/ghee as necessary. Serve with  your choice of hot sauce, salsa, avocado, etc. and a side salad with healthy dressing.

Saturday: Breakfast for dinner
Eggs, cooked to order
bacon (we use Applegate farms Sunday bacon) or organic, grass fed sausage patties
Paleo Pancakes topped with fresh fruit instead of syrup
sauteed spinach cooked in a little walnut oil with salt and pepper

Sunday: (Paleo) Spaghetti  with Side Salad
I actually don't care for pasta, but the rest of the family does. I prepare spaghetti squash for myself and organic whole wheat pasta for the kids and hubs. 
Prepare pasta and/or squash. Prepare sauce of choice. We use grass fed ground beef, 1 sauteed onion, 1 sauteed red bell pepper, 3-4 cloves of fresh garlic, Italian seasoning, 2 sauteed chopped carrots, 1 sauteed zucchini and two jars of whole foods organic pasta sauce. I let it simmer for about 20-30 minutes and serve over squash or pasta. Prepare side salad of choice with a healthy dressing. You can also check out my past blog on a similar recipe on the dinner here.

This week I will also be prepping homemade granola bars, Shakeology cookies, breakfast egg cups, tuna salad with paleo mayo, boiled eggs, and Greek yogurt parfaits 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

My Transformation Story: A Second Chance

Okay, so you may think I'm a little obsessive over this Beachbody stuff. My heart is racing at the thought of posting this, but here it goes. Let me be totally personal with you. It is VERY hard to put these pictures up where all of you can get a glimpse into a deep and depressing time in my life. I battled with my weight for YEARS. I never was truly happy because I always had this hate for myself because I felt that my looks determined my worth. Unfortunately, so many people do. I want to share this because there are people that I KNOW are feeling the same pain and shame that I felt at 200 pounds! I want to HELP you. I truly do. If I ever win the lottery, I will buy these amazing programs and lead Challenge Groups until I die doing so, just so people can see what their quality of life can be like. I truly believe in Beachbody. The company is amazing, the programs are incredible, and the supplements are superior. Most importantly, the coaches all support each other and believe that in working together, we can make a bigger difference.

As I was looking through my old camera card this morning trying to find pictures of my larger self, I found NONE with my babies. NONE.There are over 1,500 pictures on this card, and I'm nowhere except in "before" pictures. I had even deleted a picture of my oldest daughter and I from her Honor Stars ceremony. I bawled like a baby. I hated my image so much, that I've deleted nearly every picture of me and my children from when they were younger. It's so sad to think of how much pain I was in. Nobody knew. I kept it all in and put up a fake smile for so long that it became a habit. A VERY painful habit. I probably sabotaged many relationships (romantic AND otherwise) because I didn't feel that I deserved them. My husbands orders to Iraq started a journey for ME that I never could have imagined would put me where I am today. Through the 779th Engineer Battalion, I met some wonderful ladies. Including my BB coach, Kate. She inspired me through her workout and transformations posts while her husband served in Iraq. In January of 2012, I started my journey. Along with Beachbody and my wonderful church family, I started to learn that God loved me no matter what and I was WORTHY of a change.

A little over two years later, (and some major back and knee pain that slowed me down quite a bit at time) and I have gone from a super tight size 18, to a very comfortable size 6. I was 199 pounds when I started and I was 142 this morning when I got on the scale. Could I have done even better? You bet. Do I want to weight less? Yep! Can I get more fit? Absolutely! And I will!!!! I am a work in progress, but I now love the person I have become. If I stay this size, I'm cool with that too because I have true happiness and acceptance of who I am...INSIDE. Through some major convincing, I have learned that God truly does love me no matter what and that I have a gift from Him to share with YOU. I am on top of the world. I have a wonderful day job that I LOVE and I am also blessed enough to enjoy a second passion that brings in even more income! Helping people far outweighs any financial benefit though, SERIOUSLY. This business is truly about making a difference. I want you to share in this amazing journey with me. I KNOW for a fact that many of you see my posts and want in on this. NOW is the time. Don't waste another day hating your image. Let me help you get out of that funk. Not for anyone else, but for yourself! You are worth it! Message me TODAY my friends. A YEAR FROM NOW, YOU'LL WISH YOU STARTED TODAY! -Karen Lamb

If you want to contact me to find out how I can help you start your own journey, just click HERE and you can click "contact me" on the left. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

21 Day Fix

So, what happened to my Whole 30 journey?

My family took a trip down to Daytona for my daughters cheer competition. We planned on packing food and eating only those things listed on the Whole 30 plan. Well somehow, time management took a hit and we ended up having no time to shop for and prep the food we planned for. I should have taken the WHOLE day of work, but my insane OCD and/or work ethic would not allow me to do so. I just hate to leave my kinders with anyone if it's not completely necessary.

So, we ended up really enjoying ourselves by visiting Joe's Crabshack and filling ourselves with delicious crab legs and other not so healthy yumminess.This led to a complete fall off the Whole 30 horse. I decided that I could be just as successful getting myself focused on the 21 Day Fix program that was about to be released by Beachbody. Because I have a Beachbody business, I wanted this to be my focus instead. I want to take a new approach to my business. I am serious about reaching out to people and helping them reach their fitness and nutrition goals.

Please join me in this journey and find the YOU that you've been desiring for so long.

If you want more information on the 21 Day Fix, I'd be more than happy to help! Visit my Official Beachbody website at to find out more about me via my bio and contact me through my coach page.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Whole 30 Week 2 Day 7

Fiesta Breakfast Bowl

I found this recipe idea over at meatified. I thought it offered a good non-egg option for breakfast. I LOVE me some Mexican food, and the idea of both salsa and gaucamole made my mouth water while I was meal planning. 

 1 tsp coconut oil, 1/2 small onion; sliced, 1 cup sliced peppers bell peppers, 1/2 lb ground pork or chicken, 1/2 tsp dried oregano leaves, pinch ground cumin, salt, pepper & ancho chile powder to taste, 1 avocado, aliced, 2 - 4 tbsp. salsa

In a large skillet, heat the coconut oil. Add onions & peppers to the skillet and cook until soft. While the vegetables are cooking, mash the avocado with a fork, add salt and pepper to taste, and set aside. When the onions and peppers begin to brown, move them to the edge of the skillet. Add the pork or chicken, along with the oregano, cumin, salt, pepper & ancho chile. Turn the pork over after a few minutes and break it up into chunks with the back of a spoon. Cook for several minutes more, until the meat is thoroughly cooked. Stir to combine the meat and vegetables. Split the skillet between two bowls. Top each bowl with half of the mashed avocado and salsa to taste.
I could barely lift my arms to make this delicious concoction after doing P90X3's "The Challenge". However, I must say that it was one of the BEST breakfasts I've had yet on the Whole 30. I decided not to mash up the avocado. It was enjoyable just in slices. Yum!
Leftover Egg Salad

Brined and sauced BBQ ribs with Roasted Cabbage
***Start the night before***

2 racks baby back ribs and Brother Mark's BBQ sauce
Brine: 1 cup veggie broth, 1 tsp. dried rosemary, 1/2 c. apple cider vinegar,  8 c. water, 1/2 tbsp. salt.
Dry Rub: 1 tbsp. garlic powder, 1/2 tbsp. salt, 1/2 tbsp. black pepper.

In a large stockpot, mix together brine ingredients. Place rib in the brine, making sure they are completely covered by the liquid. Refrigerate the container overnight.

When it's dinnertime, heat the grill on low heat. If using charcoal, simply push to one side of the grill so the ribs aren't over direct heat. Remove ribs from the brine and cover completely with ALL dry rub. Cook over indirect heat for one hour, turning occasionally. Generously slather both sides of the racks of ribs with BBQ sauce and cook for another 30 minutes. Brush on more sauce just before serving.

Roasted Cabbage

1 head cabbage, 2 tbsp. coconut oil, 1/2 tbsp. garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste

Cut cabbage into bite-sized florets. Place on large baking stone or cookie sheet. Stir to coat cabbage with oil. Sprinkle with seasonings. Bake on 400 F for about 30 minutes or until cabbage starts to brown, stirring often. 
Needless to say, we all scarfed down every last drops of dinner tonight.

Whole 30 Week 2 Day 6

Egg Salad with Celery Dippers

6 boiled eggs; chopped, 1/4 c. Paleo mayo, 2tbsp. organic prepared yellow mustard, 1 celery stalk; chopped, salt and pepper to taste. 
Mix all  ingredients together until blended well. Add more mayo if mixture is too dry. Scoop egg salad with celery dippers and devour.
Fancy Pear Salad w/ Leftover Pulled Pork

2 cups prepared salad greens, 1 pear; cored and sliced, 1/4 c. EVOO, 3 tbsp. balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper to taste, 1/3 c. crushed pecans.

In large salad bowl, add greens, pulled pork, and pears and stir gently. In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, sea salt and pepper. Drizzle the salad with dressing and toss to coat. Sprinkle with crushed pecans.
Collard Wrapper Cod w/ Baked Curry Cauliflower

4 small wild-caught filets of cod, 3 tbsp. coconut aminos, 4 collard leaves, 2 tbsp. coconut oil, black pepper to taste. 

Preheat oven to 375 F. In a small bowl, place the fish fillets and add coconut aminos. Gently toss to coat, then set aside. Blanch the collards in boiling water for just a few seconds, then remove and lay flat. Cut off the tough end pieces of the collard greens and place one fish fillet in the center of each collard green, season the fish with pepper, top each filet with 1/2 tbsp. coconut oil, and wrap firmly in the collard leaf. Place all the wrapped fish in a baking dish, seam-side down and bake uncovered for 20 minutes. Serve with lemon wedge. 

Baked Curry Cauliflower

 1 head cauliflower; cut into bite-sized florets, 3 tbsp. coconut oil, 1 tbsp. curry powder, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1/4 tsp. ground turmeric, sea salt to taste.

Preheat oven to 350 F. Melt coconut oil and pour into a small mixing bowl. Add spices to the melted oil and mix well. Add cauliflower and oil mixture to a bowl large enough to fit everything. Use your hands to mix well enough for the oil mixture to coat the cauliflower. Spread cauliflower on cookie sheet or baking stone and cook 40-45 minutes, stirring halfway through. 

Whole 30 Week 2 Day 5


I actually ended up having leftover tuna salad in the car on the way to work. Haha. That kinda stuff always tastes better the next day.

Salad with leftover Chicken and Everyday Paleo Vinaigrette

Prepare salad greens into a large salad bowl. Add desired amount of sliced (leftover) chicken breast, sliced tomato, artichoke hearts, olives, cucumbers, etc. Use whatever veggies you may have in your fridge. Top with vinaigrette and toss to coat. If you are taking this to work, leave the dressing on the side until you're ready to eat. 
 Everyday Paleo Viniagrette
2 tsp. Dijon mustard, 1/4 c. red wine vinegar, 1/2 c. extra virgin olive oil, 2 tbsp. fresh squeezed OJ, 1 tbsp. dried parsley

Whisk all ingredients together and store leftovers in fridge. 
 ***Sorry friends, I forgot to take a picture***
 Easy BBQ Pulled Pork w/ Sweet Potato Chips

I love me a good pulled pork sammy in a fluffy wheat bun. Unfortunately during the Whole 30, I will eliminate what I consider a staple in a pulled pork recipe; the bun. So instead we will eat the pulled pork on top of sweet potato chips,which I just LOVE!

Dry Rub: 3 tbsp. chili powder,  1 tsp. ground coriander, 2 tsp. ground cumin, 2 tsp. onion powder, 1 tbsp. dried parsley, 1/4 tsp. chipotle powder, 2 tsp. sea salt. Pork: 4-5 lb. pork butt roast, 2 onions; sliced. Brother Mark BBQ sauce to taste. (recipe below)

Mix dry rub ingredients together in a small bowl. Rub the roast with dry rub. Be sure to use the entire recipe of dry rub. Place a layer of sliced onions on the bottom of your crockpot. Set roast on top. Cook roast on high 5-6 hours, then low another 3-4 hours or until roast falls apart and is easy to shred.

Sweet Potato Chips

2 sweet potatoes, 1 tbsp. melted coconut oil, salt and pepper taste. 

VERY thinly slice sweet potatoes and place in a large bowl. Drizzle coconut oil on top and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper. Stir with hands to coat each slice with a small amount of oil. Place potatoes on a cookie sheet or stone so that they are not overlapping. You'll likely have to use more than one cookie sheet or stone. Bake on 400 F for about 30 minutes or until crispy. 

Brother Mark BBQ Sauce
 I once again, got this recipe from Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook. I used this on BBQ chicken during our last Whole 30. We had tried another BBQ recipe that we thought was awful, so we were a tad skeptical about trying this since there were so many ingredients and steps. The good thing was that there was plenty leftover to used in another recipe AND it was DELISH!
6 garlic cloves; minced, 1/2 yellow onion; diced, 3 tbsp. coconut oil, 2 tsp. lemon zest, 1 small sprig rosemary (or 1/2 tsp. dried), 1 c. pineapple juice, 1 c. apple juice, 1/2 c. tomato paste, 1/4 c. red wine vinegar, 1 tbsp. coconut aminos, 1 tsp. sea salt, 1/2 tsp. paprika, 1 tbsp. chili powder, 1/2 tbsp. ground cumin, 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper, 1/8 tsp. red pepper flakes, 1 tsp. Dijon mustard, 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1/4 c. water. 
Over medium heat, saute onions and garlic in 2 tbsp. coconut oil until onions are translucent. Add lemon zest, rosemary, 1/8 c. each of the pineapple and apple juices, and bring to a simmer then turn heat to low while you continue to prepare the sauce. In a separate skillet, melt remaining coconut oil over medium-low heat and whisk in tomato paste. Turn the heat up to medium-high heat ans slowly add the red wine vinegar and remaining pineapple and apple juices, stirring constantly. Strain the onion and rosemary mixture through a strainer so that the liquid goes into the tomato paste mixture. Let the sauce cook down and thicken while stirring constantly for about 7-10 minutes. Add remaining ingredients, whisk together well and let simmer for another 7-10 minutes. Makes about 2 cups of BBQ sauce.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Whole 30 Week 2 Day 4

Sausage, Peppers, and Eggs

1 red bell pepper; sliced, 1 green bell pepper; sliced,  1/2 onion, sliced, 4 links Italian kielbasa. 

Saute onions, peppers and sausage together in a skillet until sausage is cooked through. Cook eggs however you would like. Top peppers, onion, and sausage with eggs and enjoy! 

Tuna Salad in Avocado Boats

4 cans tuna; drained (be sure to look at the ingredients list since most canned tuna includes soy junk in it), 2 boiled eggs; chopped, 1/2 c. Paleo mayo, 1 stalk celery; chopped, salt and pepper to taste, 2 avocados

Mix all ingredients together until blended. Cut avocado in half and remove the pit. Use a spoon to scoop each half of the avocado from the skin. Fill each half with tuna salad and enjoy!

Yeah! I kinda dug in before taking the picture. My bad.
Sun-Dried Chicken Bake w/ Roasted Cabbage
I got this recipe from the Everyday Paleo Family cookbook. I love sun-dried tomatoes and I've never actually bought them and used them in a recipe, so I thought it was high time to do so. This turned out fantastic and will definitely be on the "regular" eating rotation. I LOVE how stinkin' easy it was!

2 lbs. Chicken Breast; butterflied, 1 (8.5oz) jar julienned sun-dried tomatoes packed in olive oil, 8 cloves garlic; thinly sliced, 2 Tbsp. dried basil, salt and pepper to taste.

Preheat oven to 375 F. Beat chicken until it's fairly thin. Spread chicken on the bottom of casserole dish. Mix jar of tomatoes, garlic, basil, salt and pepper in a small bowl until well combined. Top chicken evenly with the mixture. Seal tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 20 minutes. Remove foil, and bake another 15 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink inside. Serve with Roasted Broccoli.


  Roasted Broccoli
1 large bunch broccoli chopped into bite-sized chunks, a couple tbsps. olive or coconut oil, salt, pepper, or seasoning of choice. 

Coat broccoli with oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper, or seasoning of choice. Bake in a 400 F oven for about 20-30 minutes or until broccoli starts to brown.